Natalie Boutique


Natalie Boutique Park Ridge

Natalie Boutique is located in the Park Ridge, in the heart of the downtown shopping area, and just a short walk from the Metra train station. Convenient parking is available on both sides of Northwest Highway. Make our boutique your destination and discover many charming shops nearby! With the help of our friendly staff, our services include personalized shopping, special ordering, and keeping you up-to-date on the latest fashion trends.

We look forward to welcoming you at Natalie Boutique


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Notice: By supplying my contact information, I am authorizing Natalie Boutique to contact me (via email, phone and/or mail/ about its products and related services, including announcements of special promotions. I understand that I will have the opportunity to opt-out of future communications at that time.


Natalie Boutique
145 North Northwest Highway

Telephone: (847) 825 1710

Work Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:30AM - 6PM
Wednesday 10:30AM - 6PM
Thursday 10:30AM - 6PM
Friday 10:30AM - 6PM
Saturday 10:00AM - 5PM
Sunday 11:00AM - 4PM

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